About Us

A Little Bit About Us

We are a professional training center for sport medicine professionals oriented toward the use of new technologies for teaching and field interventions.

Our team is composed of a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals lead by Marc-Antoine Doré, certified athletic therapist and professional provider instructor (Canadian Red-Cross, ITLS, MSSS and more).

Some of the Courses, Certifications and Services That We Offer​


Specific course for sport medicine professionals. Leads you to a first responder certification from the Canadian Red Cross by following all national standards. 40 hours certification and 20 hours for recertification.

Canadian Red-Cross First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder

Leads you to a first responder certification from the Canadian Red Cross by following all national standards. Open to all candidates that would like to improve their knowledges and skills in prehospital emergency care. 40 hours (80 for EMR) certification and 20 hours (40 for EMR) for recertification.

Basic Life Support (CPR for healthcare professionals)

4 hours course that covers CPR and AED for health care professionals including the primary survey, assisted ventilation and all special situations to CPR (such as CPR for opioid overdose). Two modules (1 hour each) can be added to cover oxygen and airway management. Recertification is 2 hours.

Wound Care for Sport Medicine Providers

16 hours wound care training specifically designed for sport medicine providers. Allows you to improve your knowledge and skills in wound care assessment, debridement, management of acute and chronic wounds etc. With your new skillset, you will be able to offer a new service and will expand your market.

Sport Taping

Introduction to taping principles and basic techniques. Perfect for high school coaches. Basic course is 4 hours and possibility to do level 2 which is also 4 hours. 

Consultant services

You want a tailored preparation for your team or to plan your emergency measures? We will find you the right instructor to help you reach your goals.


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